Early Childhood Development (ECD) Programme Certificate

Apply for an Early Childhood Development (ECD) Programme Certificate

Are you operating an early childhood development (ECD) facility and want to provide tailored learning and care for children, including those with disabilities, chronic illnesses, and other special needs? If so, you can apply for an ECD programme certificate through your nearest Department of Social Development or municipal office.

Key Information:

  • The certificate is valid for up to five years.
  • To be considered, your ECD programme must:
    • Offer suitable developmental opportunities.
    • Support children in realizing their full potential.
    • Provide care in a constructive, supportive, and secure environment.
    • Foster positive social behavior.
    • Respect the culture, spirit, dignity, individuality, and language of each child.
    • Address emotional, cognitive, sensory, spiritual, moral, physical, social, and communication development needs.


  • You must be fit and proper to manage an ECD programme.
  • You need appropriate ECD qualifications, skills, and training.
  • A minimum of three years’ experience in early childhood development is required.

Important Note: To be eligible for funding, your ECD programme must meet national norms and standards. Priority for funding is given to communities where families face challenges in providing adequate shelter, food, and other basic needs for their children.

How to Apply:

  1. Visit your nearest Department of Social Development or municipal office to register or conditionally register your ECD programme.
  2. Complete Form 16, which will be provided to you.
  3. Your application must include:
    • Your name and identity number.
    • Your physical and postal address.
    • Details of the ECD programme.
    • An implementation plan for the programme.
    • The staff composition of the facility.
    • Financial statements of the ECD facility.
    • Clearance certificates ensuring neither you nor your staff appear on Part B of the National Child Protection Register or the National Register for Sex Offenders.
    • Your qualifications, skills, and experience.

After Approval: Once your application is approved, you will receive a certificate of registration, conditional registration, or renewal of registration. Officials from the Department of Social Development and municipal offices will conduct regular assessments of your facility.


  • It may take up to three months to receive your registration certificate.


  • The service is provided free of charge.


  • Form 16 is available at your nearest Department of Social Development or municipal office.


  • For assistance, contact your local Department of Social Development provincial office.

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